FUNVIC Europe & Voice of the Girl Child & Vulnerable People Foundation

FUNVIC Europe with Voice of the Girl Child and Vulnerable People Foundation (VGCVPF) Nigeria for the social development of vulnerable and less developed people in society, with special emphasis on girls. The Voice of the Girl child and the Vulnerable People Foundation (VGCVPF) currently have a physical location in the states of Kaduna, Sokoto and Kebbi, while the opening of offices in the Kano and Katsina states is underway.

Una risposta a “FUNVIC Europe & Voice of the Girl Child & Vulnerable People Foundation”

  1. It’s commendable as we who are able to assist our global villages and towns into peaceful and educational models to close the gaps of victim abuses, illiteracy, opportunity for education or learning. Hands on skills and mentoring.

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